Thunder; Perfect Mind
Thunder; Perfect Mind is Michelle's take on an ancient Gnostic prayer found among the lost manuscripts of the Nag Hammadi library discovered in Egypt in 1945. The original prayer is thought to be both Egyptian and Jewish in origin. The Gnostics were a mystical group that influenced early Christianity, but as the religion evolved they were cut off as heretical.
To Michelle, these words speak such deep truths. Michelle loves that it is from the feminine power. It is also the energy of Lilith, the wild woman. To recant these words is to tap our deepest creative source of power and knowingness. The power of the divine feminine.
Thunder; Perfect Mind
Thunder; Perfect Mind is Michelle's take on an ancient Gnostic prayer found among the lost manuscripts of the Nag Hammadi library discovered in Egypt in 1945. The original prayer is thought to be both Egyptian and Jewish in origin. The Gnostics were a mystical group that influenced early Christianity, but as the religion evolved they were cut off as heretical.
To Michelle, these words speak such deep truths. Michelle loves that it is from the feminine power. It is also the energy of Lilith, the wild woman. To recant these words is to tap our deepest creative source of power and knowingness. The power of the divine feminine.
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